There was a day that I was trying to get a podcast done, and had a blog post to submit all wrapped up in a busy work day. In addition to all of this, I was trying to spend time with my family as that is my most important responsibility I have. Then, in the midst of everything, I see the Podmedic Jamie Davis busting out daily podcasts (multiple avenues) and blogs like it was nobody's business. I know that I am new and all, but I thought I was a pretty good scheduler of time, and I had none left! The opportunties I had were limited and there was no current way to do what it was he was doing.Now, I don't want to replicate the work that Jamie Davis is doing, it would be pointless to have my own blog. But I did want to know how such a busy individual had the opportunity to review, research and develop topics as well as type of narrate these hours worth of content. So what did I do, I added to Jamie's workload and sent him an e-mail. All I really asked was how do you do it.
His response really brought to light something that I knew, and was kind of already doing, but really led me to understand the picture above. First, the "podmedic" has been doing this a lot longer than I have, but he has established his workflow. In his week, he sets aside time to accomplish these tasks. Up until know I simply did these additional things when I had time come available. Anymore, we use our smartphones, iPads, Outlook or other scheduling system to break down our schedules to the minute. Franklin Covey used to use a presentation in his presentations that showed how important it is to schedule your big rocks before worrying about the small sand type items. I realized that while I scheduled most of my big blocks, I let the sand just fly in from the wind which is just as bad.
So how do you schedule your do you ensure you have the opportunity to change the world if you don't account for all the constraints on your time. I must say that for me it gets frustrating when I allow things to back up. It ends up in days where I don't want to do some things, but overall I know that I have to. So...I have learned to schedule my time wisely...then after we load the rocks, pour in the sand...when do we fill it with water?
Take Care and Stay Safe!!
The Combomedic
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