Have you ever thought about what it would be like to have every call go as it did with the responders on the show Rescue 911. First of all, I know that not all of my readers will understand or remember what Rescue 911 was, but many of us will. Now, it is nothing like the show "Emergency." In this instance, these calls were real, however they were recreated for the purposes of the show.
Rescue 911was hosted by William Shatner, use Captain Kirk himself, would take viewers through cases well beyond the regular call of duty. These calls were ones where the rescuer was behind the "eight ball" and shouldn't have been able to rescue the victim...but, in the end the reunion was always a tremendous thing as the victim came out of the hospital ready to take life by the horns again.
My grandmother would always use Rescue 911 in her CPR teachings at Dentist offices and day cares. Why, the rescuers would never be thrown up on, and nobody would ever die. Sounds like your last shift right? Yeah, I know you are laughing at me right now and that is okay, but I do want to use this as an example.
Now, I could be the first to tell you that my grandmother knew better than to think that nobody was ever thrown up on, and that everybody would eventually come back to life. She would use that because she had spoken to people around that thought that was what the ambulance service did, and that everything would be ok as soon as they called 911. I have watched my grandmother in action when I was barely able to understand what CPR was when she and a fellow Red Cross volunteer worked on a patient that went into arrest during a political fundraiser at the Knoxville Civic Coliseum. She worked and worked until the fire department and EMS personnel arrived only to find out that the victim did not make it.
But do these shows develop a false sense of reality for those that are watching their shows. Today we don't have Rescue 911. The shoes today are more pronounced on what they do. Today we have Trauma, Life in the ER and Mysterious Diagnosis. There are plenty more on NatGeo and others, and the good aspect is that they do show the negative side to the show as well. But even today these shows still portray the life beyond repair receiving his wings only to survive and fly on this earth again.
So while you go out into the community with your red lights flashing and your hyper yelp blaring, know that you are doing your best to mimic the great examples shown during this television series shows.
Take Care and Stay Safe
The Combomedic
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