Tonight I began reading the Tony Dungy book "The Mentor Leader". Everybody that has small knowledge of the NFL knows about Tony Dungy and his reputation and I can only wish that I was part of the Colts organization to be a fly on the wall to hear just a few words of his leadership style. While I am still just in the beginning of this book I have already started to look at things slightly different than I did before.
So I started to look in my history and see who my mentors have been, or who they might currently be. I looked at why I chose them, or why I considered them my mentors and I can really see that I jumped right into those because of their ability to get me where I want to be. In the beginning of the book Coach Dungy states that most people look to get their leadership skills from those that have awesome bank accounts or tremendous winning percentages, but never for the way a leader is viewed, for what they really do. Is great corporate success or athletic prowess really worth a life of depression because you have been shutoff from people and/or you have created an environment of hostility because happiness takes away from focus on the prize.
Public safety is a tremendously close community which is predicated on the delivery of awesome prehospital emergency care, but what do we do to make our profession better through mentoring. What is mentoring? How do we develop a mentoring relationship, and once we have developed that relationship how do we utilize this relationship to develop positive improvements in our field. At this point I am asking many of the questions that I hope I can gain from Coach Dungy's book, but I also hope to get you thinking about developing a mentoring relationship with somebody you know and trust.
Take Care and Stay Safe...
The Combomedic!
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