I really didn't know the impact this blog had on individuals until here recently when I have been sought out by a few people about why I discontinued the @combomedic blog. Really, I never officially discontinued the blog, so much as I let other things in life take my time and failed to continue. When I looked back at the statistics I found that many people read the blog on a regular basis, and I am looking forward to beginning to write again.
The combomedic has been a outlet for situations that I have rolling through my mind that I see. I have used it to publish vacancy notifications that I see on different webpages, news items that are effecting the world of Fire and EMS, and somethings that are just a fun to me or our field.
Since my last few posts last year (truly almost a year ago) EMS has continued to go through the realm of expanson to the point that other professions are starting to worry that EMS is going to take over into their realm. We are talking about the movement toward community paramedicine. What is community paramedic? Who does community paramedicine affect? What changes are coming to make community paramedicine work? These are all things that are being discussed, negiotiated, debated, broken down, built up, and just otherwise mulled to the point of seeing how it could benefit the field, the patients, and anybody invovled.
In addition to the growth of paramedicine, we should also look to the future of the program, and research the opportunities that are taking place. If you didn't know, there is legislation that has been going through the process (tennesseeambulance.com) that expands the areas that paramedics are able to practice.
Lastly in my first e-mail of 2014, I would like to make sure that each of you are also looking at and reading articles from the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) and the Congressional Fire Services Institute (CFSI) to make sure you know what is going on. Staying involved keeps you busy, but also allows you to shape the future of our professions.
Take Care and Stay Safe!
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